The following is a list of
15 # equipment that I am looking to trade for or buy... Please PM me if you have any of these and are willing to part with them. I'd like single-drill, but will take a look at 2nd drills and balls with the thumb moved once. THANKS!!!
Storm Paradigm
Storm X-Factor (Original)
Columbia Action
Track Robo Rule
Track Rule Delta 1
Track Rule GP2
Track Rule
Track Animal
Track Xception
Track Xception 5.0
Track Arsenal REACTIVE
Track Arsenal AGRESSIVE
Track Arsenal ANGULAR
Track Heat
Track Desert Heat
MoRich Seek & Destroy
MoRich Total Shock & Awe
MoRich Shock & Awe
MoRich Total Annihilation
MoRich Ravage
MoRich Sahara
MoRich Weapon of Mass Bias
Here's my Trade/Sale list:
Edited on 11/18/2005 7:06 AM