all balls drilled right handed-single drill
span 4 5/16+4 3 /16
pure fuel-less than a game-$65 plus shipping
slug and grips
drilled 5 x 4(pin just below finger) w/weight hol
storm phase 2 oversea ball-$40 plus shipping slug
drilled 5 x 4 (pin in ring finger) w/weight hole
less than 10 games
Fuel-this ball was a blem(had 4.7 top-so not that high), drilled fingers and thumb deeper and got it back to normal specs)-less than 5 games-$35 plus shipping
grips-no slug
drilled 4 1/2 x 4
interested in
any NIB ball
trades for current(within last year) balls
shipping is from michigan
also have world x factor 14# for sale/trade
package deals?
Edited on 1/26/2004 10:50 AM
Edited on 1/27/2004 2:13 PM