I am selling off all my 15# Motiv equipment to go to 16# Motiv. The 16# stuff just lets my swing flow better. I have several balls single drilled to let go. All balls have standard grips and standard thumb hole, some with urethane thumb slug. All balls have a total span of 4 5/8 overall:
Ascent Apex-- 3 1/2 pin above ring cg under ring with MOTION HOLE---- 55.00 shipped
Tank---3 1/2 pin above ring cg under ring with MOTION HOLE---- 45.00 shipped
Covert Revolt--- 3 inch pin above ring finger CG kicked right--------- 55.00 shipped. Oversized thumb slug
Tribal Fire----3 inch pin above middle finger CG kicked right--------- 65.00 shipped. Oversized thumb slug
Octane----Tribal Fire----3 inch pin above middle finger CG kicked right--------- 65.00 shipped. Oversized thumb slug