15lb Lane 1 Crank
Single drill but was plugged and re-drilled in same location for span change.
Less than 20 games & in great shape.
$8015lb Brunswick Nexxus f(P+R)
Single drill, less than 10 games, amazing shape
$6015lb Hammer Taboo Deep Purple
Single drill but fully plugged, less than 15 games, full resurfaced.
$70 SOLD15lb Motiv Tribal
Single Drill, less than 15 games & in amazing shape
$80 TRADEDHammer Widow Nasty
Single drill, fingers plugged but re-drilled in the same spot, changed grip. 40-50 games.
$50 SOLDHammer Blue Urethane (New Version)
Single drill, 20-30 games, great shape, no thumb, weight hole.
$50http://s747.photobucket.com/user/Erickson316/library/Bowling%20Balls?sort=3&page=1Email or text me if interested.... (289)489-1398 or
cjerickson.23@gmail.comMake me an offer & contact me via email or text message.