Hey everyone,
Here is what I've got for sale/trade:
16lb Inferno (Pending)
Thumb plugged and redrilled to lengthen span
Grips, no slug, no extra holes
Drilled pin above and right of ring (RH), cg in line below
Low games, very little tracking
coverstock is mint
$50 shipped
16lb Orange Warlock (Pending)
Completely redrilled 1X, thumb redrilled to lengthen span in current location
Grips, no slug, not sure about extra hole but can check
I'll check the layout for those interested, but I believe that the pin is below the ring finger and the cg is slightly kicked right (RH)
Coverstock is mint
$30 shipped
16lb Glowing Amulet
Completely redrilled 1X, thumb redrilled to lengthen span in current location
Grips, no slug, I'll check about extra hole
Pin above and between fingers, cg under ring finger I believe (RH)
Coverstock is mint
$30 shipped
I would be willing to trade 2 or even all 3 for 1 if the right deal comes along. Message me with what you have for trades or make counter offers if you don't like my selling prices.
Bowling is without a doubt the dumbest, most pointless, most idiotic excuse for a game that has ever been invented. So, what time are we bowling tomorrow?
Edited on 2/12/2004 3:33 PM