Selling because it will be another year or 2 before back to bowling due to leg amputation
Special Ops S/D grips and IT $50
Drift S/D grips and slug $35
Dream ON Original 2nd drill $35___SOLD
Respect (original less than 10 games) grips and IT $80--=SOLD
Compass S/D $45----SOLD
Truth Pearl S/D $50
X 1.5 drill (fingers plugged to go to no grips $35-----SOLD
Boost Hybrid (G/P) S/D 6 games Grips and IT $25---SOLD
Cobra se 2nd drill $35
King cobra 2nd rill $35
Break Down 2nd drill grips and IT $30
Break Down s/d thumb now plugg but needs finishing and fingers are pitch plugged $40
Link 1 1/3 drill (middle finger plugged to slightly lengthen span) no grips and Turbo outer $35
Solar Flare 3rd drill (twice same layout just span change) $15
also have 12# Wrecker 1.5 drill (thumb moved) (cracked bridge) $35
all prices DO NOT include shipping
all offers will b considered
pics available w/email address