16# Roto Grip Dark Star 1 1/3 drill (ring plugged to change to sarge easter) - fully plugged
15# Motiv Primal TV4 single drill- fully plugged
15# AMF Radar Alert 2x drill (same layout) fully plugged
16# Storm Eraser Carbide Bomb 1 1/3 drill (ring finger to change to sarge easter
15# Storm Ice Storm - single drill - fully plugged
15# Storm Virtual Gravity 2x drill SOLD
16# Storm Tropical Heat pearl - Single drill - fully plugged
http://www.ebay.com/itm/221280773844?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l264916# Storm Modern Marvel twice drilled (slight layout chaange) fully plugged
http://www.ebay.com/itm/221280940865?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l264915# Radical Slant Pearl - single drill - less than 10 games
16# NIB Storm Prodigy SOLD
Also available but not yet listed
16# NIB Roto Grip Cell Pearl 16lb 1oz 3.1top pin 2-2.5
16# NIB Hammer Widow Clear
15# Brunswick Combat Zone -twice drilled
15# Roto Grip Gold Grenade pearl urethane - twice Drilled
15# Stoem Lightning - twice drilled
15# Storm IQ solid - single drill - - 1 1/4 IT
15# Storm Invasion - singlr drill - 1 1/4 IT
15# AMF Shred-It - single drill
15# AMF Sideways 1.5 grill (Thumb moved about 1/4") fully plugged
16# Storm Power Charge - multiple drills - fully plugged
15# Roto Grip Defiant - single drill - fully plugged
16# Storm Blue Thunder Pro - mulyiplr drills
16# Storm Black Thunder 2x drilled
Make offers on the not listed items. Shipping will be from 60473