All balls are 15lb.
The used balls have a 4inch span with NO finger or thumb inserts.
All used balls are single drills.
I will try to give all the info i have on the NIB balls, i have some without the original boxes.
Lane 1 Cherry Bomb - 3inch pin, pin above ring finger (less than 20 games) SOLD
Ebonite Tomahawk Hi Torq - 3inch pin, pin above and right of ring finger, small weight hole (less than 50 games) $30
Track Blue Heat - 2inch pin, pin below and right of ring finger (less than 15 games) $40
International Danger Zone Red Alert Plus - 2inch pin, pin under ring finger (less than 40 games) $30
Optyx Formula - 4-5inch pin, pin above ring, CG Out to the right, weight hole (less than 3 games) $40
Power Groove Dry/R - 3inch pin, pin under ring finger (less than 8 games) $20
Blazing Inferno - 3inch pin, pin above and between fingers (less than 40 games) $30
Blue Sparkle Gryphon - 3inch pin, pin above and between fingers (less than 10 games) $40
Zone Classic Green Pin - 15lb 3oz, 2.6top, 3-4inch pin... Traded
Heat Remake - 15lb 3oz, 4 1/2 top, 3inch pin... Ebay
Blue Heat - 15lb 3oz, 3 1/2 top, 2inch pin... Ebay
Blue Heat - 15lb 2oz, 2 1/2 top, 3inch pin... Ebay
Desert Heat - 15lb 2oz, 2 3/4 top, 3inch pin... Traded
Storm Skybolt - 3inch pin... SOLD
Zone Classic Red Pin - 15lb 4oz, 4.2 top, 2-3inch pin $60
Matrix Dominator - 2-3inch pin $60
Columbia Power Surge - 4-5inch pin (minor scracthes near symbol) $70
Prices do not include shipping.
I ship UPS, Double Boxed.
Shipping Discounts on multiple ball purchases.
Will only trade for NIB 15lb Quantums.
Thanks for looking.
Justin Painter
Sioux Falls, SD
Visionary Test Staff Member
http://www.visionarybowling.comEdited on 12/21/2005 6:06 PM