Buy any ball tonight for $27 shipped via paypal only, they will be gone tomorrow(1/4/05) night to the local yaba if no one purchases. These are in great condition so hurry up
Right handed drills for Vacu-Grip Inserts 4 5/8ths span
15lb Morich Colossus
-hairline crack in bridge. Great shape otherwise
-Drilled Label, MB under the Thumb
Sold to PDiddy
15lb Tour Power
-chipping in middle finger, doesn't really need to be plugged unless you have to use a smaller insert, great coverstock shape.
-Pin over Bridge, C.G Swung out with big weighthole past the PAP
$27 Shipped
-15lb Wild
-Drilled 135 degrees, weight weighthole on the leftside past the bowtie. Awesome skid/flip reaction! On 2nd drill. Good Plugwork
-16lb Storm Erase IT
-Pin by ring finger, c.g kicked out with small weighthole. AWESOME condition and color. Weighthole plugged and moved. thumb partially plugged and drilled back into
Edited on 1/3/2005 7:36 PM
Edited on 1/3/2005 8:19 PM
Edited on 1/3/2005 8:48 PM
Edited on 1/4/2005 5:09 PM