I too, am torn, not that I'd win. I picked up an Exception and really like the ball, but i'm a Storm nut, and love my Atomic Charge. I was thinking of getting another Exception or A/C and just drill it up when something went wrong with the ones I have.
Then again, I was also thinking of getting something to resale, maybe a GP2 , Vertigo, Exception 5.0, who knows. I probably will never win, so I don't worry to much about it, I'm not a lucky person when it comes to games of chance, my BEST chance, is usually to stay out of them.
But, who knows, maybe the 'number god" will smile on me and then I'll have to do some deep thought.
BTW...you could leave notes on the bag...in the bag...stuffed in her shoes as well, if the 'note on the ball ' thing doesn't work. lol
AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro
www.rlbowlerspro.comSleep is over rated.