I'm continuing to thin out the herd here. Weights and spans are below. Balls will be shipped double-boxed via UPS.
Pink Raspberry/C2. 15 lbs. Span unknown. 2-3 drills, spider cracking around VISE IT insert. $60 shipped.
Pink Hammer. 15 lbs. Span is 4 5/8 MF and 4 3/4 RF. Second drill. $55 shipped.
Massive Damage. 15 lbs. Span is 4 5/8 MF and 4 3/4 RF. First drill. Fantastic ball with Activator Plus cover but my span and pitches recently changed so I am letting it go. $75 shipped.
White Dot - Blue Pearl. 14 lbs. Span is 4 5/8 MF and 4 3/4 RF. First drill. $45 shipped.
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