Hey everyone,
Not sure if I'll get rid of one or all of these, but I figured that the summer is a good time to do some prospecting. They are all 15lbs. I can check exact specs later. Sorry, no digital cam = no pics. Here's what I've got:
Absolute Inferno
Plugged and redrilled 1X
Drilled pin under and just right of ring, cg stacked below (RH)
Grips, thumb sleeve, not sure of weight hole
Coverstock in very good shape
Ultimate Inferno
Plugged and redrilled 1X
Drilled with pin even with ring, cg just left of stacked (RH)
Grips, thumb sleeve, not sure of weight hole
Coverstock in good shape
Hammer Real Deal
Plugged and redrilled 1X
Drilled pin under ring, cg kicked right, LMB on line further right (RH)
Grips, thumb sleeve, weight hole
Coverstock in good shape
Hammer Real Deal
Multiple Plugs, still in good shape
Drilled similar to other RD, just has dull finish
Grips, thumb sleeve, weight hole
Coverstock in fair shape, not great, not bad
Zone Classic (Green Pin)
Plugged and redrilled 1X
Drilled Rico (pin in grip center, cg right of thumb) (RH)
Grips, thumb sleeve, weight hole
Coverstock in very good shape
Hammer Blade Reactive
Plugged and Redrilled 1X
Drilled label (Pin right of ring, cg under and even) RH
Grips, thumb sleeve, not sure of extra hole
Coverstock in good shape
Hammer Blade Reactive Pearl
Plugged and redrilled 1X
Drilled pin below bridge, cg kicked slightly right (RH)
Grips, thumb sleeve, not sure of extra hole
Coverstock in good shape
Hammer Deal
Plugged and redrilled 1X
Have to check drilling layout
Grips, thumb sleeve, not sure of extra hole
Coverstock in good shape
Blazing Inferno (Original)
Single drill (RH)
Pin above bridge, cg left of grip center (RH)
Grips, thumb sleeve, not sure of extra hole
Coverstock in good shape
Target Zone (Blue Pearl)
Plugged and redrilled 1X
Drilled label (RH)
Grips, thumb sleeve, no weight hole
Coverstock is in fair shape, not great, not terrible
I would prefer trades to straight sales, but I'll listen to all offers. I'd consider giving multiples for something that I really want in 15. I'm a bit of a ball junkie, and I'm willing to try any manufactuer. Message or post with offers.
I can't bowl 300, but I can bench 340 : )