All Balls are drilled RH
Lane 1 Bullet, 15.3, 2 1/2 Pin, 3 oz. TW, weight hole . EXCELLENT Shape a 10 of 10. Maybe 4 games. $70.00 + shipping SOLD !!!!!
*****Track Heat 15.3, 3" Pin, 3 oz. TW., this ball is also in great shape 9 of 10, no more then 20 - 25 complete games, weight hole. $45.00 + shipping. MAKE A REASONABLE OFFER !!!!!!!!!!
Track Arsenal Angular, 15.3, 2 1/4 oz. TW, 4" Pin. This ball does have some light spots from a ball return mishap, that a light resurface should take care of (never did bother as I did not let these spots bother me). $30.00 + shipping. SOLD !!!!!!!!
ALL balls are SINGLE drills, NO FINGER OR THUMBS moved!!!!!. The balls also have spans the same 4 11/16 & 4 13/16, Vise inserts #7 & #5, thumb slug drilled at 7/8 then ovaled to about 31/31. My PAP on these balls were 5 3/8> & 1/4^ .
I really Prefer Pay Pal ( after an incident with a user that wanted to pay with a Money Order), and I do not charge any extra for using Pay Pal..
Will ship UPS (Fed Ex is just too far away for me), shipping from zip 34652.
Please no trades at this time.
***Picture are available, message me your e mail.
"The Revolution"
Enjoy Track products and the people on the forum. Like to help when I can.

Edited on 12/17/2005 7:54 AM