Looking to part with a few, will sell or trade. Looking for Lane1, Radical, or AMF. Would trade both for right s/d ball
1 Rev Fugitive s/d span 4 1/2 40 plus
2 Hammer Epidemic, s/d span at 4 3/8 50 plus Traded
3 Hammer Infection s/d span 4 3/8 40 plus
All are 15 and are drilled for slugs and inserts. Finger inserts may be removed. pm me for pics, because i cant get them to load on here.
It takes alot of balls to bowl like I do.
300x's 9
299x's 7
298x's 2
800x's 2
Edited by nstrut on 3/6/2012 at 7:58 PM