I have the following for sale or trade!
15lb NIB Storm Dominator (overseas) $130+shipping
15lb NIB Storm Gravity Shift $125+shipping
15lb RotoGrip Critical Theory Brand new...Drilled but never used! $130 shipped!
15lb Storm Rapid Fire Pearl Single drill...only 2 games on it! $80+shipping
15lb RotoGrip Mutant Cell Hybrid(overseas) Strong ball! $85+shipping!
Looking for reasonable cash or trade offers! Would also consider a 2 for 1 trae if you have any of the following:
15lb NIB Storm Lucid
15lb NIB Hammer Jigsaw Corner
15lb NIB Storm Gravity Force(overseas) I would give almost anything to get this ball!
15lb NIB Storm Frantic
Please let me know what you have or what you might be interested in! It would be alot quicker and easier to reach me by texting me at 315-726-2704 or you can also email me at mjpowersjr@yahoo.com. I work alot and Im hardly on the computer at home!
Thanks for looking!!!