I have too many balls drilled and need to trim down my arsenal so these need to go. All balls are drilled with inserts and thumb slug. Span is 4-1/8 x 4-3/16 with inserts installed.
Not really interested in trades but I could be swayed into swapping 2 for a NIB Absolute Inferno or Shock And Awe....15# 3-4" pin
XXXL...NIB....3-4" pin, top weight mid 3's....$119H2O love the ball but don't like the drilling, pin at 4:00 to ring, cg stacked under, mass bias in track, low games...SOLD
Viper Pearl...drilled close to 5x5, thumb plugged once to shorten span...$80
Cherry Pearl C2..was plugged and redrilled once in the same area then I fully plugged and redrilled it to where it is. COlor match is very good now. Excellent coverstock condition..$85
Hybrid DIrty Bomb...drilled 5x4, pin over ring, could use a light resurfacing...PMT PENDING
Hybrid Dirty Bomb...similar in drill to other ball, coverstock in better condition, thumb has been plugged and span changed...$85
Dirty Bomb Pearl...2nd drill, 5-1/2 x 4-1/2 pin over bridge, low weighthole, original drill pin under ring, cg right of thumb..PMT PENDING
XXXL....2nd drill but in the same area, pin 1" over ring, cg stacked under ring, overall good condition...SOLD
14# Not the same span as those listed above...
Pearl Carbide Bomb...on it's 2nd drill, current drill axis leverage, coverstock in excellent condition...$55
Cherry Bomb PEarl...2nd drill, same drill as Pearl Bomb, great shape..$55
XL...1 drill but thumb plugged qand redrilled multiple times, great coverstock...$65
Comet Pro...ULTRA RARE,....excellent condition, no plugs....MAKE OFFER
Shipping is $15 per ball
Drop me an email with questions, purchase offers.
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
Although a small elite group, the bond among fellows can never be broken...FOS members rejoice!Edited on 5/23/2005 0:01 AM
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