Sir Bowl-A-Lot, I wasn't bashing you nor was that my intentions. You stated your preference on spinners and I stated mine. You disagreed with me and I disagreed with you. You have that right to disagree with me and I have that right to disagree with you. I'm not sure all of this is called "bashing" but then if it is, so what. If that is the way you prefer to take it, so be it as it doesn't bother me the least bit. Also, the Topic here was spinners and not Lane 1 balls, so I don't know why you brought that up, and then again, I don't really care. Gosh, if everyone on this site got mad and "banged their head on the wall like you do" everytime someone disagreed with them, just stop and think what this site would be like.
All of your problem with me started about 3-4 weeks or so ago when you posted that you had some Lane 1 balls for sale at a price and all I did was comment that I felt your price was too high. Right there and then you "went off the deep end big time" calling me a "Brickhead", Meathead", threatning me and etc. Of coarse I wrongly responded by calling you a jerk, which you were for getting "all out of whack over nothing." Responding back to you after you called me all of those names was a mistake on my part and I appoligize for it as I didn't realize at the time how Inmature you are. Again I have the right to comment on other people's Topics and you have the same right to do likewise. That's what you and I both did here, but the difference is you got mad and I didn't.
I feel really sorry for you that you cannot stand it when "truth looks you in the face." AS for bashing anything or anybody, I do not do that unless first attacked by other people like yourself. I have a lot of friends on this site and to this day, not one single other person on this site has cried about me bashing them except yourself. I don't intentionaly bash anyone, you just take it that way so I would reccommend that you "grow up" and "get a life." Sorry you get all "bent out of shape" when things don't go your way and there is no reason to do so.
In the old days, they used axes to chop up wood...Nowadays, they use "BUZZSAWS".
Edited on 10/17/2003 8:15 PM