I have a nice arsenal of mostly Brunswick equipment that I'm getting rid of mainly because I am moving down to 15# all are 16# all are drilled for R/H with grips and thumb slugs in all of them. Let me know if interested in any
Warp Zone (I polished It for an experiment maybe 5 games at most on it) ex. cond 45.00
dangerzone 5 overseas ball ex. condition maybe 8 games at most 45.00
X zone high diff. thumb moved once good condition 30.00
Monster Frenzy less than 10 games ex. cond 35.00
Blazing Inferno 1st batch 55.00
I also have 2 revolution renagades one has thumb moved the other has 3 games on it 30.00
dragon spare ball good condition 15.00
can provide pics of all balls pm me your email address.
all prices are neg. shipping not included
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