
For Sale/For Trade/Want to Buy => General FS/FT/WTB => Topic started by: D McLaughlin on November 21, 2004, 04:48:37 PM

Title: Super Rare NIB and Used stuff on Ebay
Post by: D McLaughlin on November 21, 2004, 04:48:37 PM
I recall most of these being asked about recently.  I was bored so I scoured EBay and here is what I found.

15 AZO Red Fire
15 Blue Nitro
16 Sumo

14 AZO Little Boy
15 Manhattan Rubber
15 Scarlet Quantum
15 Pink Hammer
15 Sur-D-Pro
15 Orange Messenger
15 Blue Wolf
15 Dragon (green I think)
15 Labyrinth
15 Emerald C/2

16 Sur-D-Pro
16 Blue Axe (RH)
16 Yellow Dot Bleeder
16 Slate U Dot

Hope this helps at least one person find what they were looking for.  Peace
Umm....Walter Ray....its customary to hand over your wallet AFTER I beat you. Its not like we haven't been through this a hundred times.