
For Sale/For Trade/Want to Buy => General FS/FT/WTB => Topic started by: billy sewell on November 28, 2004, 05:42:15 AM

Title: sybervision training tapes and an eliminator and a inferno looking for 14# balls
Post by: billy sewell on November 28, 2004, 05:42:15 AM
any one interested in a sybervision neuromuscular training bowling with marshall holman and johnny petraglia asking 15 plus shipping also i have a 15# fuze eliminator with one drill i bought from kim adler great condition asking 40 plus shipping also a 15# inferno one drill asking 40 plus shipping <deal pending on inferno> and a 15# xxxl buzzsaw one drill but bridge cracked had repaired all rh good shape <sold> i have decided to try some 14# equipment so i am open to trades in 14#  thanks billy
life is short enjoy it

Edited on 11/28/2004 5:33 PM

Edited on 11/30/2004 8:57 AM
Title: Re: sybervision training tapes and an eliminator and a inferno looking for 14# balls
Post by: agroves on November 28, 2004, 03:01:57 PM
message sent
Title: Re: sybervision training tapes and an eliminator and a inferno looking for 14# balls
Post by: billy sewell on November 28, 2004, 03:13:33 PM
sent messages
life is short enjoy it
Title: Re: sybervision training tapes and an eliminator and a inferno looking for 14# balls
Post by: billy sewell on November 28, 2004, 04:14:37 PM
xxxl sold, billy
life is short enjoy it
Title: Re: sybervision training tapes and an eliminator and a inferno looking for 14# balls
Post by: billy sewell on November 29, 2004, 06:24:58 AM
messages sent
life is short enjoy it
Title: Re: sybervision training tapes and an eliminator and a inferno looking for 14# balls
Post by: billy sewell on November 29, 2004, 06:19:09 PM
life is short enjoy it