I need to move these, the shop is getting crowded. I'll listen to offers or I am looking for a 15lb Sling Blade or a 15lb Hot Rod, or a skull ball.
15lb Wicked blue / white
15 lb Too Hot* *SOLD*
15lb Blaze *SOLD*
15lb Vortex Pearl *SOLD*
15lb Granite Gargoyle *SOLD*
15 lb Monster Frenzy *inquiries made*
15 1/2 Red Excecutioner *TRADED*
16 lb Warewolf*
16 lb RevMaster* offer recived
16lb Saphire Zone
16lb Battle Zone
16 Cuda/C*
*=now fully plugged
Almost all have at least one hole that has been plugged. Most have only one hole that has been plugged. All plug work is excelent and color match is too.
All but the Cuda/C are in great shape. I have too many balls and hardly ever keep one long enough to get a track on them. Message me if you need any info or to make an offer. Thanks!!!
The one, the original, TOON!
Edited on 2/3/2004 0:55 AM
Edited on 2/5/2004 0:21 AM