If any of you don't remember me from several months back, check my profile...
I have two XXcels, 16lbs, which need to go. They are taking up room in my closet which I don't have. I am going to give this deal about 2 weeks on here, after which they will be sold on ebay for a somewhat higher price. As I said before I need these gone ASAP, so I'm seeling them very cheap (considering they're still being manufactured):
XXcel #1 16lbs Ooz, 2.75TW, 3-4" Pin: $80
XXcel #2 16lbs 1oz, 3.5TW, 3-4" Pin: $80
These prices DO NOT include shipping. I am in zip code 80111, so please don't send me PMs about this. Thank you...
"Contradicting me is a federal offense..."
Previousy known as Maelstrom Arc & Maelstrom Void