I have alot of 16lb gear for sale.
shipping will be done UPS ground
I work in a pro shop so all balls are kept in great condition.
span is Right handed 4 3/8 X 4 1/2
1. 16lb bionic zone 1 - 1 game on the ball pin between fingers cg under ring $35
2. 16lb track crunch time - 1 drill (thumb moved 1/8 forward) pin above bridge cg stacked under $15
3. 16lb ebonite v2 pearl - pin next to ring cg stacked under with axis (fingers plugged an ready to drill) SOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. 16 lb track slash - 1 drill 5 games - pin next to ring cg kicked out 1/2 inch with axis $50
5. 16lb storm too hot - 1 drill - thumb plugged pin under middle cg in center of grip. $25
6. 16lb ebonite warrior - redrill once pin under bridge cg under ring with axis $10
7. 16lb columbia pink stingray - thumb moved back 1/4" 10 total games - $10
8. 16lb Morich Bonanza Colossus - 1 drill pin next to ring cg kicked out 1/4" with axis - SOLD!!!!!!!!!!
9. 15lb - Storm Super Power - 1 drill pin next to ring with axis drilled with pinky hole - $30
10.15lb - Storm Super Power Pearl - 1 drill pin next to ring cg kicked out drilled with pinky hole with axis. - $30
will trade for 16lb Brunswick, Ebonite or Morich
Edited on 8/2/2005 10:47 PM
Edited on 8/4/2005 8:04 AM
Edited on 8/7/2005 7:54 PM