Hey everyone,
I have a 16lb Trauma Response that I'm looking to trade for a plastic spare ball or some sort of urethane ball. The ball has been redrilled 2X, but the coverstock is in fantastic shape and is in excellent shape. The first plugging was a RH drill with the pin slightly below and right of ring, cg 1-2" kicked out right, the second drilling was also RH and had the pin below the ring finger and the cg kicked out 3-4" with a weight hole on the PAP. This ball can still be plugged, redrilled and laid out so that no plugs are rolled over, and, as I already said, the coverstock is still in excellent shape. All I am looking for in trade is a spare ball or a urethane. I am particularly interested in anything from Visionary or any of the older Hammer urethanes that are in good shape. This is a great chance for someone to try a discontinued particle ball without having to give up very much in return. Message me or post here with interest and offers.
Gene J. Kanak
Bowling is without a doubt the dumbest, most pointless, most idiotic excuse for a game that has ever been invented. So, what time are we bowling tomorrow?