Need to move these all ASAP. Overlaping in the arsenal for the fall and taking too much space in the dining room. All are single drill with minimal games unless noted.. PRICES INCLUDE SHIPPING. All spans are 4 3/8 cut to cut. Grips and Slugs on all. Only looking for Columbia in trades, but prefer to sell. All are 15 POUNDS!!
6. Monster Slay/R. 3 inch pin. Drilled pin over Middle, cg in palm. Around 20 games. Lots of length with good flip here.. Asking $40 shipped.
8. Trauma ER. 3 inch pin. Drilled Pin over bridge, CG 1/2 Negative shift. Around 25 games. Good when the heads start to go. Bridge cracked when drilling out the fingers....Originally drilled no grips.. Fingers are getting plugged.. Asking $30 shipped
$65 shipped for both
Edited on 7/28/2004 3:24 PM
Edited on 7/28/2004 3:36 PM
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Edited on 8/1/2004 5:34 AM