I have a few used Brunswick bowling balls that I'm wondering if anyone would be interested in trying? All are single drills. The 15# Balls are drilled with finger inserts and thumb slug. The 15# balls have a Span of 4 1/2(Index) 4 9/16(Ring). A couple of the balls have had the thumb or fingers plugged to shorten span with the new hole drilled almost on top of the plug.
1) Leap: Pin below and between finger holes. Cg swung way right (25 degree drill). No plug work. $25.00
2) Imperial: Drilled 3 x 3 with a weight hole below axis. This ball had the bridge crack, so I had the two fingers plugged and redrilled in same spot.
3) Brunswick Axis: 8lb ball. One is a Blue swirl. I also have a Burgendy swirl.
Both are label drill.
Regarding a trade, I'm mostly interested in Brunswick and Morich stuff.
Pictures available upon request.
Shipping from ZIP 44060. Buyer to pay exact shipping.
Thanks for looking.
Edit: 30AUG05. Added Prices!.
Edit: 1Sept05; Lowered Price.
Edited on 8/30/2005 12:15 PM
Edited on 9/1/2005 7:58 AM
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Edited on 9/9/2005 8:11 PM