I'm open to sale offers and trade offers. I won't be insulted, so whatever offer you have, throw it at me! Thanks!
Link for pictures of all of these balls (Google Photos): https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipN-2ai1MWDzYQ_tmG4ph3tqkiMOKY_NY1_nvniBndNGW4P5JYILY0EsZgrV0_UJTw?key=NXBLblBnczY0RzJ0TTV1RUtGYVA1RnJkV1NDQWRBEbonite NVS16 lbs. 1 drill - Fair amount of games and some coverstock marks that a resurface would knock right out.
Storm XFactor Deuce16 lbs. 2nd finger drill, 3rd thumb drill - Lots of games.
Columbia 300 Spirit14lbs. 2nd thumb drill. Unknown number of games (bought from a friend).
Columbia 300 Panic15lbs. 2nd thumb drill. Unknown number of games, but I know it's not many (bought from a friend and never used it).
Brunswick Zone Classic (Red Pin)14lbs. 1 finger hole was moved. Unknown number of games (given to from a friend and never used it).
Brunswick CSystem Ulti-Max15 lbs. Plugged SD. Hardly used at all. Got from my brother-in-law who ended up going to 16 lbs. shortly after he got this drilled.