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Author Topic: 2 for 1 trade  (Read 609 times)


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2 for 1 trade
« on: January 02, 2015, 03:57:52 AM »
I have a Brunswick Meanstreak Beatdown, a DV8 Ruckus and a Global 900 Network...all 14lbs that I am looking to trade any of the two for a 14lb Seismic Euphoric, Seismic Venator Pearl or a Seismic Aftermath in 14lbs. It can either be single drilled or NIB but if it is single drilled it must be right handed. I love my Seismic stuff and my other equipment just doesn't get much use. They all have low games on them and are all single drilled. Please help me start my New Year's out with one of these bowling balls. Thank you.