All prices include shipping. Deals can be made for multiple items. I can send pictures upon requests. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
NIB Balls:
Track 912T 15lb $125
Ebonite Mission X 15lb $110
Brunswick Nexxus 15lb $125
Brunswick Karma Pearl Blue/Green 16lb $75
Columbia Freeze 13lb $60
Brunswick Pink Hearts 10lb $40
Sports Tec Accura 16lb $30
Brunswick Purple Fuze 16lb Make Offer
Brunswick PBA Original Inferno 15lb Make Offer
Columbia WD Blue Pearl 6lb $30
Used Balls: All are Fully plugged unless noted
Roto Grip Mars 15lb 2nd (long pin) bridge cracked and plugged $30
Storm Virtual Gravity Nano 15lb $75
Storm Invasion 15lb $50 cracked bridge plugged
Storm Victory Road Solid 15lb $50
Storm X-Factor Deuce Not Plugged 15lb $40
Ebonite The One Remake 15lb $50
Dexter Spartacus 10 1/2 $40
Dexter V Strap 11, 9 $40
Linds Classic RH White 9 1/2 $40
Raquel III White/Blue 7 1/2, 11 $35
Raquel III White/Pink 8 $35
Dexter Groove 9w $40
Etonic Tye Dye 6 1/2 $40
Linds Special Edition LH Green/Purple 8 1/2 $40
Dexter SST8 LE 2012 model 7 1/2w $125