I have two 15lb balls I'm looking to trade:
15lb Dyno-Thane Vendetta Pearl drilled pin above and in between the fingers, CG in the palm. Great condition, single drill with inserts and thumb slug. The span is 4 ½ ring, 4 10/16 middle, measurement taken from edge of thumb hole to edge of insert lift. TRADED!
15lb MoRich Colossus Pearl drilled 3 3/8 with the MB in the strong position. Fantastic condition with inserts with thumb slug, thumb was plugged once to lengthen span (great plug job and color match) and has a weight hole. The span is 4 10/16 ring, 4 12/16 middle, measurement taken from edge of thumb hole to edge of insert lift. SOLD!
I’m really looking to trade for something Roto Grip (Silver Streak, Fuel, Pure Fuel) or Dyno-Thane (Element, Thing). I will also consider selling them too.
Thanks for looking!
When in doubt, Throw it out. Go buy a whole new arsenal!
Edited on 1/25/2004 7:19 PM
Edited on 1/26/2004 6:46 PM