Both balls have 4 11/16 x 4 3/4 inch spans. No grips. Fingers are drilled at 11/16ths and 21/32. Thumb size is 59/64ths. Special has no Slug, Threat has Slug.
16lbs Track Threat: One previous full plug. In great condition now. Ball is drilled pin over ring, C.G. Stacked under, 2-3 inch pin
16lbs Columbia Special: Overseas Ball Reaction Ricochet Coverstock, K.O Punch Core. Mint condition 10 or so games on this ball. Pin over ring, C.G slightly swung, 3-4 inch pin
I am looking for the following in 16lbs, but you can make me an offer with something else. I might trade them both for something from Lane 1 or AZO
Track Stomp Black/Gold
Track Crunch
Track Heat 2 Solid
Blade Reactive
Diesel Reactive
Vicious Solid
I am expecting similar condition of balls in trade.
-D. Marshall Shirt Staff 2003-2004