All 16lb equipment
Anomaly, thumb moved 2x finers once. Drilled pin over ring cg kicked out slightly, polished up right now. When the thumb was plugged the resevoir over flowed so there is a line around the ball where it was cleaned off, not in the track or near it so its no concern. Should be easily removed by sanding or polishing it up again. Over all the ball is in pretty good condtion. Drilled without finger inserts, with thumb slug. Span about 5in. This was an experiment ball for me, basicly the same as my new triple xtreme so this one is on the move.
Element, Thumb moved about 1/4 inch, both front and back of slug show plug work. pin below ring cg kicked slightly, axis hole. Finger grips and thumb slug. good shape span roughly 4 7/8
$35+ shipping
Orange Messenger pearl, In great shape single drill, span of 4 3/8. I took it on a trade to redrill it and never got around so I'm moving it
Green Messenger, Cover is in great shape. Thumb moved about 3/8 inch. one finger was plugged and moved about 1/8inch before i got it. drilled pin above middle, drilled for caccu grips, with thumb slug. I really just want my plug costs back in my pocket so
If you want a combo deal then I will reduce the price for you. Just let me know and please PM me with offers.
Edited on 1/20/2005 11:02 AM