Looking for older or new track epuipment: make me some offers. Now that I'm an official member of the Track Advisory Staff, That's all I'll be throwing.
(pic now available)15#Storm Hot Rod, Thumb plugged a couple times, resurfaced on haus Machine once.
Span $ 3/4-4 7/8, has grips and thumb slug. Drilled slight label shift.
$35 shipped
(trade pending)15#Storm Thunder Road Pearl, Thumb Plugged once, resurfaced on Haus Once, has a pinky hole. same span as above, about same layout. has grips and thumb slug $35 shipped
15#Storm eraser, entirely plugged once, same span as above, has finger inserts. Has bad crackout around finger holes where i drilled into the old plug work. $20 shipped.
16# AMF Angle Plus, 2 games on it, drilled leverage, has fingerinserts, same span as above. A greta urethane ball. $25 shipped.
I accept paypal and Money orders, and trades for TRACK equipment only. Thanks.
Make me offers, i really want to move these ASAP
AKA "the MOD SQUAD" BR.com Moderator
Track International Advisory Staff Newbie!!!
Edited on 11/10/2004 1:13 AM
Edited on 11/11/2004 10:02 PM
Edited on 11/15/2004 6:18 AM