C300 Burst - single drill, cover in very good condition - $25 plus actual
Storm Vivid - thumb plugged and drilled mostly back through - $25 plus actual
Roto Deranged - full plug and redrill - $15 plus actual
Storm Crossroad - full plug and redrill - $15 plus actual
Storm Natural - full plug and redrill - $15 plus actual
Lane 1 Cherry Bomb Pearl - some plug work - $20 plus actual
Ebonite Mission 2.0 (X out due to whacky pin-cg-mb alignment) single drill, low games, rolls great - $25 plus actual
Pretty much all were drilled for inserts and a thumb slug. The CB has a switch grip outer sleeve. Pics of all can be texted upon request made to 815.919.4209. Really want to sell, but may consider trades of multiple of mine for one of yours.