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Author Topic: a few for sale/trade  (Read 566 times)


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a few for sale/trade
« on: March 10, 2014, 10:40:08 PM »
what's up all I have a couple balls up for grabs. Spans are 4 11/16mid 4 13/16ring

15lb SD 900g Network - ball is great but I don't use it much 70shipped
15lb SD 900g eagle pearl - the ball is a second only cause the very top of the eagles wings didn't engrave and the S70 engraving is offset ball rolls great too but doesn't get used much 60shipped
15lb Visionary immortal pearl-multi drill 25shipped
15lb dynothane the thing - 1.5 drill 25shipped

will entertain trades for some Seismic, visionary(samauri)
would trade both for NIB let me know what ya got (no storm/roto