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Author Topic: Wanted SPARE BALL?  (Read 256 times)


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« on: January 30, 2005, 10:43:41 AM »
My friend is looking for a used or new spare ball in great condition, please tell me how much including shipping?  Thanks, Jordan
Sorry 15 pounds

Edited on 1/30/2005 7:41 PM



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Re: Wanted SPARE BALL?
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2005, 09:08:51 PM »
I have a 15lb Spare Storm. Used it for about a year and a half, before going back to my 16lb Blue Dot. Ball had some inor damage just above fingers that I had taken care of before I switched. I will let it go for 30 including shipping. I have a couple other 15's that I would package with this one to make it even better. Clarification on this one. I will reduce the price on the Spare Storm if intested in buying the Spare and a second ball. I have about 20 other balls I would sale. Some 15's, but most 16's.

Edited on 1/31/2005 11:13 PM