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Author Topic: still 4 sale or trade for v2dry: 14lbs savage flip and black proactive powergroove!  (Read 259 times)


  • Hero Member
  • *****
  • Posts: 6498
  • Former good bowler, now 3 games a week house hack.
I have a  savage flip 14lb drilled stacked with pin above and cg below fingers and a proactive 14lb black powergroove drilled pin above bridge, cg swung out to strong position.

 I am looking for 30+shipping for the savage and 25+shipping for the powergroove. The savage thumb was plugged once and moved 1/2 in. and the powergroove thumb was plugged and re-drilled in the same spot to change pitch.

 Would take $50 + shipping for the pair or trade for a 14lb v2dry. I would trade both for a NIB or either one for a 1 drill righty (or lefty drilled stacked with cg in palm)

 Don't be bashful, I am open to offers on these balls, but please KEEP IT REAL, O.K.?

Just call me Darreyl, it's much easier to say!
Learn to laugh, and love, and smile, cause we’re only here for a little while.