I have a savage flip 14lb drilled stacked with pin above and cg below fingers and a proactive 14lb black powergroove drilled pin above bridge, cg swung out to strong position.
I am looking for 30+shipping for the savage and 25+shipping for the powergroove. The savage thumb was plugged once and moved 1/2 in. and the powergroove thumb was plugged and re-drilled in the same spot to change pitch.
Would take $50 + shipping for the pair or trade for a 14lb v2dry. I would trade both for a NIB or either one for a 1 drill righty (or lefty drilled stacked with cg in palm)
Don't be bashful, I am open to offers on these balls, but please KEEP IT REAL, O.K.?
Just call me Darreyl, it's much easier to say!