Looking for used (short on the cash right now) Rule, XCeption, Animal, Animal Untamed. Prefer single drill, right hand, reasonable # of games (probably up to 100 depending on type of coverstock/condition, but none of this 300 games and going strong business...

) but will consider multiple drills if cover is fairly clean. Looking at AT LEAST a 2" pin, preferably somewhere between 2-4. Layout is probably not too much of an issue, seeing as I plan on doing full plug and redrill...
Shipping would be to 06790. If you have a price in mind, please include it.
Also looking for some older Track stuff for cheap, maybe a Thrash, Threat, Triple Threat, Freak Out, etc. If you have something lying around that's not a lot, drop me a PM.
If interested in a cash+ball trade, I DO have:
15# Track Mojo, second drill, 2-3 inch pin (ball is in Ithaca, NY in a closet, will be available in 2 weeks)
15# Sling Blade, moved thumb a fingers a bit, so like 1.5 drills - 2-3 inch pin
Prefer doing business with members with positive feedback here. If you haven't done any business on BR, get ahold of me and we can see if we can work something out.
Edited on 1/13/2005 2:44 PM