For Sale/For Trade/Want to Buy => General FS/FT/WTB => Topic started by: Goof1073 on November 10, 2004, 01:53:13 AM
Looking for a 15lb 3D Violet Offset...solid preferred!
I recall reading a post on here the other day of a user having one for sale a few months ago...but I can re-find the thread.
Any help is greatly appreciated!!
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA
good luck finding a NIB 3d offset solid.. They are very hard to find..
If they only made a ball that would carry that da_n 7 pin (and I am right handed!!)
yeah.. that's a definite "gem" now. If you don't get any replies here... your next best bet would be to check eBay on a regular basis... from time to time one will come around.... but be prepared to pay top $ for it!

Good luck!
I think it's the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
George Carlin
Good luck, I have a 15# violet pearl on 2nd drill but it has less than 20 games on it
the hell if i know
i have 3 nib 3d offsets and they are solids and are all 16 lbs
Brenttsr are they for sale and if so what are you asking?
I've got a really nice single drill 16lb also. Very low games, very good condition. I would like to sell it. Can send photo.
How about something new that might react similar to the High Rev? I don't know if there's something in Hammer's current lineup that would be comparable, but has anyone seen/used the Violet Gargoyle? Coverstock looks very much like the later High Revs and the core even looks like a 3-D offset. Have no ideal what the ball rolls like, however, but I've always been intrigued by Visionary balls.
If only I didn't have so many Hammers...
You got the right man on the job Goof. If ANYONE can sniff out a 3-D High Rev, it's G! He's gotten so many in the past few years, I even have a couple of his "finds". Latest one is a MINT 15lber that looks like it might have 10 games on it. Sorry, not for sale! Keep at it, and good luck.
G...Yup that's the thread I was talking about. Do you know if he still has it?
I appreciate the help thus far guys and while a second drill wouldn't be a big deal it the ball was for's for a hammer staffer that is trying to find a new one. Believe me there are still some floating around out of my friends scored one, a pearl and a sledgehammer a few months ago. I snagged a tour offset a few weeks ago as well.
I guess that I'll just keep lookin'
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA
It' not a Violet but it is a NIB 3 D Offset and from pchee!!!!!!
Edited on 11/16/2004 5:45 AM
pnj1967... Thanks for the link, but I've seen this ball already.
g_thing... I heard back from LH and he sold the ball a while back.
Oh well...back to looking around!
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA
Wow, someone really wants that 3d offset indigo maxx on Ebay. $177 plus ship with 11 hours to go..
If they only made a ball that would carry that da_n 7 pin (and I am right handed!!)