Hello to ALL
I am looking to move a few balls to clean tha balls out for the summer.
The balls are all 15lbs and are drilled Right Handed and have a span of about 4 5/16 and 4 7/16.
Storm Deuce-about 20 games- plugged in the fingers and thumb.I have finger slugs in the fingers and a thumb slug. Asking $55 shipped
Storm X-Factor-about 15 games,plugged and redrill,drill back into plug. Finger slugs in fingers and has a thumb slug. In very good shape. Asking $55 shipped.
Storm Trauma-10 games as most-1 drill-in very good shape. Has a thumb slug.Asking $55 shipped
Storm Hot Shot-10 games-mostly spares-1 drill-in very good shape. Has a thumb slug.Asking $45 Shipped.
AMF Nighthawk Revenge-drill lefthanded-about 25 games-in good shape.Asking $40 shipped.
Please email if you are interested in any of these balls.