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Author Topic: xxxpipologyxxx--WARNING???  (Read 17416 times)

C-G ProShop-Carl

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« on: June 25, 2003, 05:45:47 AM »
Just wanted to post a warning about this user. If he posts, or messages me soon telling me what is going on with our transaction then I will retract this post.

I posted a awhile back looking for a Track EMB. He messaged me telling me he had one for trade. I told him what I had and we agreed on a trade, an Ebonite Apex Aggression (which was used, thumb was plugged once, and he was notified of it) and $20. I shipped the ball on June 13th, with $20 cash in the thumb hole. It arrived at his address on June 17th at 3:07pm. He never messaged me letting me know he got it. I sent a few messages asking if he got it, and when he was going to send the EMB. He notified me that he was "on vacation" and he would have his maid send it. OK, fine. I told him just to make sure that I am notified of the tracking number, as I notified him of the one I shipped. Still nothing. I realize the ball only arrived there 8 days ago, but he has posted a few things in the wanted/for sale room. If he can do that why not return my messages?

This is just a warning to other users. I understand people have things happen and it can take awhile. So once I recieve the tracking number and the ball arrives I will repost about a positive transaction with him.
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: xxxpipologyxxx--WARNING???
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2003, 09:36:30 PM »

A common thread seems to have developed in recent threads about shipping...don't trust anything with the post office, regardless of the class of service.  For basically the same money that one spends on priority mail, there is no reason not to send it UPS or FedEx Ground.


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Re: xxxpipologyxxx--WARNING???
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2003, 09:45:30 PM »
I never had a transaction with this user. He contacted me saying he desperately wanted my Scream/r. He said, "I'll send a money order Fri." I wanted paypal but he informed me he was unable to use paypal. He said he really wanted the ball and could I please take a money order. He even offered to ship payment next day air.
I said fine. Next day mail isn't necessary. Just message me when you send payment.
I saw him post his desire for other equipment and this worried me a bit. Friday came and went with no message so I messaged him. He replied several days and several messages later that he didn't have the money right now but still wanted the ball could I hold it for him. I said fine. Held the ball for a couple of weeks and nothing. I always see him posting. There isn't a profile but this guy strikes me as some young kid who is always changing his mind about what he wants to buy or trade.  I wish EXCALIBUR luck but as for me I will stay away.

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Re: xxxpipologyxxx--WARNING???
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2003, 09:45:42 PM »
I agree with michelle, I had a ball shipped to me and it took 10 days, it was supposed to be priority mail.  The shape of the package was just terrible, nothing wrong with the ball.  But what a hassle.


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Re: xxxpipologyxxx--WARNING???
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2003, 09:55:01 PM »

A common thread seems to have developed in recent threads about shipping...don't trust anything with the post office, regardless of the class of service.  For basically the same money that one spends on priority mail, there is no reason not to send it UPS or FedEx Ground.

As I've said before. I won't deal with anyone who's not willing to send via UPS or FedEx. IMHO unles you're living in a cave, there's no reason not to use them.

Saw Mill

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Re: xxxpipologyxxx--WARNING???
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2003, 10:04:19 PM »
This will shock everyone , I am in TOTAL agreement with Michelle and Bjaar!  I have always used UPS because you know how good brown is, and they have always been no more than 5 business days.  Just wanted to add MHO, and thought Michelle and Bjaar would get at least a chuckle.

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Re: xxxpipologyxxx--WARNING???
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2003, 10:07:06 PM »
And, FWIW, I was told some years back that Priority Mail has no guaranteed timelines with which the Post Office has to other words, it is no different than a regular piece of mail.  Even if it was an incorrect position statement, it came from a Post Office employee and that comment alone has convinced me to always use someone else if I had an item that had to be somewhere within a few days.    


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Re: xxxpipologyxxx--WARNING???
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2003, 10:22:16 PM »
And, FWIW, I was told some years back that Priority Mail has no guaranteed timelines with which the Post Office has to other words, it is no different than a regular piece of mail.  Even if it was an incorrect position statement, it came from a Post Office employee and that comment alone has convinced me to always use someone else if I had an item that had to be somewhere within a few days.

I believe that there is only 1 service that the USPS offers with guaranteed times. It's their super expensive priority overnight.

Other than that, your friend was right. 3 day mail with UPS usually means 3 days... USPS on the other hand... roll the dice.


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Re: xxxpipologyxxx--WARNING???
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2003, 10:47:20 PM »
I would/will never deal with anyone who doesnot have a profile.. Kinda seems "fly by night" to me...



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Re: xxxpipologyxxx--WARNING???
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2003, 10:52:06 PM »
It took about 2 months to get my ball. His excused for delay was that there
something wrong w/ my address. I have purchased many balls on this website and never a problem w/ my address. I think he does not have the money to shipped the until and waited for his allowance. He's just a little kid.

I didn't want to give him a negative post but he promised to shipped all his future transactions by UPS ground.

I was giving him a benefit of a doubt until I saw this post.

Just be careful dealing w/ him.

Edited on 6/25/2003 10:56 PM


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Re: xxxpipologyxxx--WARNING???
« Reply #10 on: June 25, 2003, 11:36:34 PM »
Office depot has UPS shipping.

Also many old mailboxes etc. sites have UPS shipping at same cost as UPS as they are now called the UPS store!

I have tried to make it a practice to avoid dealing with people under 18.
They cannot enter into contracts in the majority of states and for good reason.
Our forefathers were very wise when they made this rule.  Nearly every screwy transaction I have done has been with a minor or an early 20s individual.

It is almost always easy to guess age of posters by the way they express themselves on these sites and their attitudes.

XxxxPip...  you gave yourself away by your response to Louie(certified class act and considered as such by almost ALL on this site).

Your reply tactless, and inaccurate as the reviews on this site state the Monster Scream/r is sensational!

14 years 9 months to 16 and 1/2!


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Re: xxxpipologyxxx--WARNING???
« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2003, 11:48:01 PM »
1. Monster Scream/R is an awesome ball.

2. Repeated many times over, never ship any bowling balls with the Post Office.
Use UPS no matter what, you wont regret it.

3. Listen to LL he is very well respected on this site.

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: xxxpipologyxxx--WARNING???
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2003, 01:31:55 AM »
OK....this is where it gets interesting now.
xxxpip requested I ship with a tracking number via UPS, so that once he had the tracking number he could send the EMB via UPS. Not to mention that NOT answering the messages I sent is rude in itself.  
I am not trying to bash him, just simply get the deal we had finished and over with. I have dealt with many people on this site and this is the first problem I had. Even if this ball was shipped USPS it is Michigan to Ohio, which does not take long. I have shipped most of the things I have traded or sold via USPS and never had a problem.
Inconvenience? I went to the closest UPS and they were not going to be open for 3 hours, then I had to drive 25 minutes to the next closest to get the ball out on the day I had promised.
xxxpip, just send the ball and when it arrives I will change my opinion on this transaction.
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: xxxpipologyxxx--WARNING???
« Reply #13 on: June 26, 2003, 03:46:16 AM »
Thanks Justin, lol.  Yeah, I've had four FLAWLESS transactions, Nicanor, strikinmachine, pdj300, and confucius being the list of users I've traded balls with.  I will admit that I backed out of buying a ball from drillwizard, I was having too much trouble contacting him, and couldn't quite talk myself into laying out the money, even though I REALLY wanted the ball.  I hope he eventually sold it, I felt bad about backing out, although I had a decent reason.
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Re: xxxpipologyxxx--WARNING???
« Reply #14 on: June 26, 2003, 04:01:23 AM »
I've only noticed about 3-4 posts of bad transactions.  Not really a bad percentage unless you the one that got burner.

One trait I did notice between all bad transactions was the posters only participated in the trade/sell section.

The people who use the site for knowledge, and interacting between other bowlers have too much to lose by ripping someone off.

Take this joker for instance.  Has anyone noticed a post in any of the other forums.

~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel
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