I have read through this thread several times. Something that has not been brought forth, and maybe should be brought to xxxp's attention (maybe he is lurking), that since he is a minor, he has now involved his parents (legal guardians) in the matter. If he resides in their residence, the computer he used, the phone line, and any other computers (ie: grandmother perhaps) now become involved.
Maybe a course of action after a given deadline, say 72 hours, he does not contact all individuals he needs to, then contact his parents, legal guardians, etc. If they do not have enough concern to straighten out the matter, then the last recourse would be legal enforcement via police, and internet fraud. And since he has admittedly used the USPS, their may be possibly USPS mail fraud.
Even though this has been transpiring over a lengthy time period already, maybe a short deadline is now due.
Just my 2 cents, and I hope everyone gets compensated for their losses.
BTW...I have only had one transaction through here, and although the party wanting the equipment never sent payment, I have never bashed him. I know he has had several other excellent transactions on here, and just probably could not swing it at that time. No Harm, No Foul.
Again...good luck to all involved
The Older We Get, The Better We Were