For Sale/For Trade/Want to Buy => Hammer => Topic started by: bigsexyhammer on May 18, 2007, 12:06:10 AM
I would like to trade any of these for 14lb. Hammer equipment.
16lb. Faball Blue Hammer - single drill
16lb. Ebonite Purple Nitro - single drill
16lb. Brunswick Headhunter - single drill
16lb. Brunswick Danger Zone D2Z - second drill
15lb. Hammer Diesel Reactive Pearl - single drill
15lb. Hammer Viscious Particle Pearl - thumb moved
15lb. Overseas Brunswick Active Zone - GONE!!!
15lb. Overseas Brunswick Express Zone H - single drill
??lb. Budweiser Spare Ball (Purple with Bowtie Bud logo) - single drill
Edited on 3/17/2008 11:33 AM
I have Hawgzilla,No Mercy,Pain,Vibe and thats about it.
I just got a 14lb Sling Blade, but I'm not really intrested in getting rid of it yet. But if the right deal came along I would consider it.
My Current Arsenal,
No Mercy Beat'n
Hammer Black Widow
Hammer Black Widow Pearl
Hammer Saw Blade
Absolute Inferno
Doom Raw Hammer
Faball Black Hammer
For Sale or Trade:
16lb Absolute Inferno
I really, really, really want to try any of the RAW series balls...

For Sale or trade for 14lb equipment: