Alright guys I am giving you the heads up on some equipment that I am pulling out of my bag as I am changing some things up again. All balls are in excellent condition if not new condition.. the bag still has the linds tag on it!
Rotogrip Grenade: SOLD!
Hammer Jacked: SOLD!!
Roto Grip Dark Star.. SOLD!!
Hammer Jigsaw Trap.. SOLD!!
Hammer Midnight Vibe.. SOLD!!
Linds Deluxe 3 ball bag.. SOLD!!
Pics of everything here: to sell: Have 3 motiv balls that just arrived.. they are 15 lbers.. 4 1/4 span with it system.. all 15 lbers.. less then 8 games on each... Motiv Tr2, GT1 (sold), and Sx1... 60 bucks shipped each.. will have pics later on.. they probably wont last that long... balls are mint shape..
Tr2: label drilled
Gt1: pin above ring:
Sx1: Pin above ring..
Owner of Brazen Bowling Supply... authorized seller of Lane1,Big B,Morich,Storm,Roto,Seismic,Visionary,Ebonite,Hammer,Columbia, and Track... I can get anything.. give me the chance to earn your business!
Edited on 7/24/2010 1:41 AM
Edited on 7/24/2010 8:42 PM
Edited on 7/26/2010 6:39 PM
Edited on 7/26/2010 9:17 PM