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Author Topic: FS/FT: 15# Black Widow Bite - 2nd drill L to RH - Low games, excellent shape  (Read 1443 times)


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<div>   I picked this up the other day to try and revisit 15# but it just doesn't work for me.  Gonna stick with the 14# equipment.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>That said, I would love to trade this for another Hammer in 14# but will also sell.  I can text or email pics if you PM me your info.</div>
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<div>Span is around 4 1/4, pin under ring, x hole.</div>

<div align="center"><span style="color: red"><strong><img border="0" alt="" align="absMiddle" src="/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Images/emkulou.gif" />Looking for any 14lb Hammers, particularly older oddball stuff.<img border="0" alt="" align="absMiddle" src="/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Images/emkulou.gif" />
<img border="0" alt="" align="absMiddle" src="/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Images/emkulou.gif" />So if you have a 14lb Diesel or Vicious or Blade laying around shoot me a PM</strong><img border="0" alt="" align="absMiddle" src="/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Images/emkulou.gif" /></span></div>
« Last Edit: May 09, 2012, 02:14:15 PM by bigsexyhammer »
Looking for any 14lb Hammers, particularly older oddball stuff.
So if you have a 14lb Faball or Diesel or Vicious or Blade or Hawg laying around shoot me a PM



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Re: FS/FT: 15# Black Widow Bite - RH Single drill - Low games, excellent shape
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2012, 11:02:34 PM »
pm sent


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Re: FS/FT: 15# Black Widow Bite - RH Single drill - Low games, excellent shape
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2012, 07:25:03 PM »
Still available?


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Re: FS/FT: 15# Black Widow Bite - RH Single drill - Low games, excellent shape
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2012, 02:16:11 PM »
Yes, I will get pics tonight... thanks.

Looking for any 14lb Hammers, particularly older oddball stuff.
So if you have a 14lb Diesel or Vicious or Blade laying around shoot me a PM
Looking for any 14lb Hammers, particularly older oddball stuff.
So if you have a 14lb Faball or Diesel or Vicious or Blade or Hawg laying around shoot me a PM


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I have a pic i can txt or email, bump...
Looking for any 14lb Hammers, particularly older oddball stuff.
So if you have a 14lb Faball or Diesel or Vicious or Blade or Hawg laying around shoot me a PM