Link at the bottom has the pics in it:
I've got some balls I'm looking to clear off my rack. I'll trade 2 for 1 or maybe a 3 for 1 if the deal's right, for a NIB ball, or trade for:
Hammer~ Venom, Psycho, Sauce (when it's released)
Lane #1~ BuzzBomb, Liberator
Storm~ Rapid Fire, Gravity Shift, Attitude Shift
RotoGrip~ Cell, Cell Pearl
Will listen to offers for Nintendo Wii or Sony PSP games.
Or open to other offers too.
Lane #1 Solid Uranium~ Pin under ring, cg kicked right, weight hole, (modified Rico). Fingers plugged once, redrilled back into 90+% of it, has thumb slug. Bridge is cracking between the fingers. Span is approx. 4 5/8", 15#.
Lane #1 Super Carbide Bomb~ Pin right of ring, cg stacked, weight hole. Very strong ball in the heavy oil. It's shined up right now, but can be taken back to any surface. Thumb plugged 2X's, drilled back into 40% of it, has a thumb slug. Fingers plugged once, drilled back into 50%. Span approx. 4 5/8", 15#.
Lane #1 Dirty Bomb~ Pin over ring, cg kicked right, weight hole. OOB surface, approx. span 3 3/4", 14#.~SOLD PAYMENT PENDING.
Golf Ball Cal Spare Ball~ This is the Cal brand spare ball, and looks like a golf ball. Don't use it anymore, and tired of hanging onto it. The ball could use a resurface job, and could do it before selling. Span approx. 4 5/8", thumb slug, 15# SINGLE DRILL.
Nothing Hit''s Like A HammerEdited on 10/2/2008 6:11 PM
Edited on 10/5/2008 9:46 PM