Great deal on some Hammer gear.
Both balls are 15lbs, and used less then 10 games each.
The span is 4-3/4" by 4-7/8"
Grind $60 shipped ****SOLD to mrfox101****
Midnight Vibe $45 shipped ****SOLD to MIBowler****
People I have sold to listed in my profile.
Pics Vibe was way more aggressive on the backends then I expected. The Grind was an overall bigger hooking ball then advertised. With our lanes being a much lighter oil pattern then years past I have mainly used just my Backlash and occasionly my Burn along with my Power Groove for the season.
Be good, or be good at it.
Edited on 11/4/2010 6:20 AM
Edited on 11/4/2010 6:28 PM
Edited on 11/6/2010 4:00 PM