Hey all, my friend has a 1 1/2 drill Toxic he wants to trade for something. The Thumb has been plugged and re-drilled about half-way back in the plug. It is 15 pounds and has less than 20 games and the span is about 4 1/2. Has grips and no slug. He wants to trade for something but doesnt know what. Just throw some offers out there, and Ill check with him.
Thanks a lot everybody!
(And trade with confidence, Im trusted on here)

Ricky Michaels
Also known as Mister High Speed Himself,

Good Transactions with:
D Scott Johnson(Bought)
pro shop guy(Traded)
Gunny(Bought locally)
Bowlersev(Traded locally)
Edited on 8/24/2008 7:48 PM
Edited on 8/24/2008 8:01 PM