I want to sell or trade my 16lb Brunswick Absolute Inferno. In trades I am mainly looking for 16lb Hammer stuff, but I will listen to all offers. If you would rather buy the ball, make a cash offer cause I'm not 100% sure on what I want to sell it for. I was thinking that maybe I could get one of the Hammer Vibes, Toxic, or one of the Hammer balls from the Hawg line for my Absolute Inferno.
16lb Absolute Inferno, second drill but looks really great except for one very small minor mark on the bottom of the ball but it does not effect the ball in anyway. The ball is in really good condition. I'd give it a 8.5 out of 10. Span is about 4 7/16 I'd guess.
My Current Arsenal,
Columbia 300 Action
Hammer Black Widow
Hammer Black Widow Pearl
Hammer Saw Blade
Absolute Inferno
Doom Raw Hammer
Faball Black Hammer
For Sale or Trade:
16lb Columbia 300 Action
16lb Absolute Inferno