
For Sale/For Trade/Want to Buy => Hammer => Topic started by: TLefe091985 on November 06, 2011, 11:40:01 AM

Title: Jigsaw Corner SD 5 Games tops, Emerald Vibe 2nd Drill
Post by: TLefe091985 on November 06, 2011, 11:40:01 AM
Jigsaw Corner. 5 Games tops, Doesnt fit my bowling style, and I dont like to mess with surfaces. Drilled stacked with pin above and just right of the ring finger. $100. Or $125 shipped. Retailed new (before discontinued) for $230.
Emerald Vibe. 2nd Drill, IT thumb. Layout is strange, I havnt thrown it. Pin above and left of middle finger, cg in center of grip, and mb is right of thumb. Excellent condition. $20 or $45 shipped.

PAP- 4in right, 2in up of center of grip.
Rev Rate-400ish
Ball Speed 18.0-19.0 mph
I score well with a slight chicken wing  
Arsenal (for now)
DV8 Misfit- Orange and Blue
Brunswick Twisted Fury Pearl
Brunswick C(System) 2.5
Hammer Jugsaw Corner -FOR SALE 5 Games